Six decades adding value to the Canarian economy
The activity of the Capisa Group – made up of about fifteen companies – is aimed at the Primary Sector especially livestock feeds, although the group also has interests in the food and agriculture industry devoted to the production of flours for human consumption and bread making.
Among the activities of the companies making up the Group, the import and storage of raw materials (mainly cereals) stand out, as well as their transformation and marketing on the Islands. Furthermore, the Group carries on significant livestock activity together with poultry, pig, goat and cattle farms on the islands of Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura.
The Capisa Group is made up of two divisions to which the companies are assigned according to their activities:
Industrial division
This division is made up of six companies. Its activities have to do with the import, storage and distribution of raw materials for animal feeds, as well as the manufacture of compound feeds for livestock keepers. They also transform and manufacture breadmaking flour for human consumption.
Silos canarios
Alimentación Animal
Compañía Canaria de Piensos (CAPISA)
Graneros de Tenerife
Alimentación Humana
Molinera de Schamann
Livestock Division
One of the strategic ideas which defines the Capisa Group is the strict defence of the importance, survival, modernisation and development of the livestock sector in the Canaries. A direct consequence of this business philosophy is the constant transfer of knowledge to Canarian livestock keepers and farmers. Through its team of vets, it has been advising professionals on both the improvement of their facilities and working and feeding procedures for over half a century.
This direct collaboration has led Capisa Group to develop its own Livestock Division which includes beef, pork, goat and egg-laying poultry farms, all over the Canary Islands. On these farms, the research projects of its vets and nutritionists are carried out which lead to a sustained improvement of feeds, which are later marketed to its extensive list of customers.
This investment in talent and applied research leads to a policy of maximum quality in its products at competitive prices , to the benefit of the livestock-keepers of the islands, who otherwise could not cover the costs of the development of specific products for Canarian livestock. The Livestock Division of the Capisa Group maintains a close relationship of collaboration with significant companies in the sector, with which it works on the development of made-to-measure livestock feeds. The companies which now form part of the Capisa Group have shown over the last fourteen years that the local livestock-keeping activity has great potential for growth at competitive production prices.
Granja Saprogran
Granja Capivac
Adquirida en 2018, Capivac es la última incorporación a la División Ganadera de Grupo Capisa, que vuelve a retomar la producción de vacuno. Se trata de una explotación de 200 reses ubicada en la localidad de Tenoya, en el municipio de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Su capacidad de producción es de unos 35 litros de leche por res y día.Granja Mezque
Mezque was bought in association with the Ganaderos de Fuerteventura Group. It is a goat farm, located on Fuerteventura and with capacity for seven hundred goats. Its production is aimed at the marketing of milk for the island’s cheese makers. The Fuerteventura cheese is known for the constant recognition of its quality in regional, national and international awards, where it often wins prizes.